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Kristen Olson

About Kristen

Kristen brings experience her diverse experience with The Conti Group to Tenna. From her involvement with essentially every facet of the organization, to start-up initiatives within Conti, with specific organizational change projects to over 17 years focused in Human Resources, she has firsthand knowledge and understanding of the industry and contractors Tenna serves. Her creative mind and non-traditional background results in innovative solutions to the programs, procedures, and standard human resource responsibilities as she works with the various departments within Tenna while always focusing on Tenna’s current and future customers.


What's Kristen Been Up To?

RSS Tenna Blog
  • Construction Equipment Maintenance Software - What You Need to Know
    Changes to the modern landscape have forced businesses to revisit their construction equipment maintenance software and programs. The construction industry realizes that even a small deficiency in equipment maintenance will silently leak money and kill productivity. This article discusses the philosophies of maintenance, where construction teams go wrong, and the pillars of a strong construction […]
  • Contractor Challenges During COVID-19 | Blog | Tenna
    Based on conversations with our partners at FMI and our customers, we know that contractors are looking for guidance for businesses reopening, resources and ways to navigate COVID-19 while remaining profitable and continuing projects. While there are some verticals and geographic areas that have not been hit hard by the pandemic, concerns are growing—especially as […]
  • Preparing Construction for a post-COVID world | Blog | Tenna
    Getting Back to Business While many states in the US are still in the throes of COVID-19, some are reopening and many more are making plans in preparation of reopening. Contractors are also looking at what they will need to do to return to work and what the new “normal” will be. We have been […]

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