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Viking Construction

Tenna Customer Story

The Rundown on Viking Construction

Founded in 1991, Viking Construction specializes in commercial, educational, health/medical, historic restorations, housing, municipal/industrial, and subcontractor work. They are known for their ability to take on complex, multi-million dollar projects while maintaining quality and exceeding expectations. They are also solution-driven and professional, putting the best interests of their clients first.

Employees Featured

Anthony Gaglio, Jr., Vice President

Myles Fayle, Director of Site Operations


Bridgeport, CT

Construction Type

Commercial, Education, Health/Medical, Historic Restorations, Municipal

Fleet Size

Over 100 pieces of equipment

Tenna Users

Viking has 20 users, with more employees requesting access daily

The Challenge

According to Vice President Anthony Gaglio, Jr., “Viking needed an equipment management solution because Viking didn’t have one. We were old school—pen and paper.”

With their long-term employees and pen and paper solutions, Viking depended on white boards, memory, and trust, along with a lot of text messages and phone calls, to manage their equipment and assets across multiple job sites. Each day was a chaotic blend of managing labor, assets, maintenance, and resource requests with no cohesive solution.

Pain Points

  • Improve collaboration across yards and job sites for resource management.
  • A single system to manage tools, equipment, vehicles, labor, and more.
  • Visibility from the field, to the shop, to the front office.
  • New employees need standardized procedures.

The Tenna Solution

Here’s what Viking Construction had to say about Tenna:

Easier Work Days

Myles Fayle, Director of Site Operations said “It makes my life easier. I can see where all the pieces are in real time—what jobs they are on, what pieces are being used, which pieces are sitting idle. It helps me plan both long and short term because I can see what pieces have to come out of service for maintenance.”

Workflow Nucleus

Anthony Gaglio, Jr., Vice President, said “Whether it’s the accounting department understanding the depreciation for the equipment, or new assets being added [to job sites], it’s our go to for all things field operations. Everyone’s getting to enjoy our database, and getting more and more information, because it makes it more and more valuable for each department.”

Problems become solutions

Anthony also expressed “The real value for us [with DVIRs] is when there is a red X or something that’s needs work, it’s automatically creating that work order and integrating into our work schedule. The mechanic is saying, ‘Hey, we found an issue. Let’s fix this now before it becomes a bigger issue.’ Being able to electronically log all of our DVIRs has been such a savings for the drivers and they’re very welcoming of it.”

Construction Focused Construction Experienced

Anthony Gaglio, Jr. said “Tenna’s construction background definitely played a big role in understanding what was the right fit for Viking because they understood what the industry was doing.

Talking to employees at Tenna—they actually came from the construction field. So they understood the delivery methods and how the operations really work and how the technology can integrate.”

Exceptional Customer Support

“Tenna’s customer support has been great. It’s been very hands on, very reliable, and [we’re] usually talking to someone who’s dealt with this in the construction industry before.” said Anthony Gaglio, Jr., Vice President.

Team Adoption

Gaglio said “Viking’s employees have made Tenna part of their normal activities. They’re starting to see more and more value. ‘I can just go into Tenna and find this owner’s manual,’ or, ‘We can go back and [find] when was the last time that we changed this part?’ I walk in the morning and I open up Tenna—it’s like grabbing their cup of coffee.”

Upping the Preventative Maintenance Game

Myles Fayle, Director of Site Operations, said “I’d say that Tenna has really helped us up our game as far as preventative maintenance is concerned, [including] our ability to really monitor upcoming preventative maintenance activities, based on either usage or hours on the machine, in a way that we weren’t capable of doing before.”

Proactive Budgeting

“[I can be] more proactive in our budgeting for the following year. I know this machine’s starting to break down a lot more, so I’m already getting ready to shop for a new one and getting prepared to make those decisions rather than being reactive. With today’s tight supply chain issues, it’s important to always be looking ahead and prepared for that next step. So, the biggest savings for us is being more proactive instead of reactive.” said Anthony Gaglio, Jr.

The Results

After implementing Tenna, Viking Construction is excited about the depth of information and collaboration they see.

Improved Productivity

Collaborating on schedules and productivity milestones with Tenna data.

Better Accountability

Understanding the importance of protecting assets for the bottom line.

Improved Confidence

Trusting in the availability and reliability of assets.

Advice from Viking Construction

Gaglio said “Tenna’s responsibility is to give us that leading technology software that’s going to help our field operations, maintenance, and equipment tracking. We’re going to grow together to make our businesses profitable with a better tool for our employees to use to make them more productive. I look at it as a long term partnership together.

If somebody else is considering Tenna I’d be hard pressed for them to find something that can do better. It’s been a really big win for Viking.”

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