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Charley Toppino

Tenna Customer Story

The Rundown on Charley Toppino

Charley Toppino and Sons is a civil contractor specializing in groundwork, demolition, underground utilities and infrastructure, pipelines, site preparation and more in the Florida Keys. Their sister company, Monroe Concrete, provides concrete and aggregates. They own and operate a fleet of heavy equipment such as concrete trucks, excavators, loaders, crushers, etc.

The Challenge

Prior to Tenna, Charley Toppino used a magnetic white board to manually update the location of their assets across jobsites. This posed as a recurring problem with logistical inefficiencies across the long and narrow Keys when they dispatched trucks to pick up assets that they thought were on one side of an island that turned out to be on another island. They sought a reliable system to identify where their assets were truly located without having to make phone calls, that integrated with their existing OEMs and allowed for better maintenance management all in one platform.

The Tenna Solution

Here’s what John G., Shop Manager, had to say about Tenna:

Better Visibility

Charley Toppino has better visibility across their widespread jobsites with Tenna.

“We no longer need to call everyone to figure out where the key assets are. We can plan for the day or even the following day for asset moves without having to talk to anybody.”

Streamlined Integrations

They integrate the OEM telematics from their John Deere and Volvo equipment into Tenna for visibility of their entire fleet in a single system.

Simplified Maintenance

“The maintenance feature I use heavily, every day. I get a phone call for requests in the field, I’ll type it in immediately and then it goes into queue.”

Automatic Triggers on Maintenance Requests

“On the preventative maintenance side, I’ve set it up by 500 or 1,000-hour marks. That automatically triggers into the maintenance request queue. And that’s extremely helpful because then I can start to warn the supervisors or the Director of Ops when an asset is going to need to be taken down and then they can plan around it.

Now that everything is not breaking constantly, the maintenance guys can switch gears and go and service machines on site and take care of things in the field which is something that they just haven’t been doing before at all.”

Utilization Focus

“We’ve been taking advantage of the utilization function in Tenna to identify non used assets on the jobs so we can maximize their uptime and improve our productivity as a company. With accurate utilization, there’s no longer an argument or discussion.”

The Results

Charley Toppino Knows More with better visibility over their operations, Controls More with maintenance and utilization monitoring and Makes More by eliminating wasted time and fleet repairs due to breakdowns caused by infrequent service.

Save Time

Saves 2-3 hours per day looking for assets and making phone calls across teams.

Cost Savings

Saves costs by avoiding breakdowns and reducing related expenses.

Advice from Charley Toppino

“Tenna has saved so much time for me. It keeps up with all the minutiae that I couldn’t keep up with before.”

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