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Mladen Buntich Construction

Tenna Customer Story

The Rundown on Mladen Buntich Construction

Mladen Buntich Construction is a tunneling contractor specializing in slip line tunneling and related infrastructure throughout Los Angeles, CA and surrounding states. They have been in business for over 45 years and own and maintain a fleet of heavy equipment including cranes, excavators, loaders, associated attachments, heavy trucks and vehicles, and more, which they also rent out to other contractors.

The Challenge

The Buntich team struggled to track their fleet across widespread locations and had no ways of knowing equipment hours or overall utilization amongst their own crews or their rental customers. “To see what utilization is at the end of each quarter and at the end of the year is really important to us.” They also sought to manage their fleet of heavy equipment across different manufacturers on a single platform and streamline their maintenance.

The Tenna Solution

Here’s what Jason G., General Manager, and Claire P., Equipment Manager, had to say about Tenna:

Better Data

Tenna enables Buntich to track the location and utilization of their fleet remotely from wherever their team or their equipment is.

“Since implementing Tenna, we have been able to track more exact hours, usage and location so that has been huge. It’s huge for our CFO to see the utilization between Mladen Buntich Construction, third party rentals and what’s sitting idle in the yard. That’s one of the largest and most important things we value.”

OEM Integrations

Tenna allows Buntich to integrate telematics data from their OEMs into their Tenna account.

“We’ve connected our telematics for Komatsu and John Deere. I can also bring up codes that are coming up that are going to need immediate attention. For me to have that at my fingertips that I can access any time is invaluable.”

Less Paperwork

“Tenna frees me up from daily paperwork. Now I know everything that needs to be done during the day, and the next day or week with estimations on oil changes and services. It’s helped my lube man, and I’m able to track stuff easier than what he was doing on paper.”

Streamlined Integrations

“The great thing about having the OEM integration all in one place on Tenna is before they were never in one place, and they were never even easily accessed. They all had their own quirks as to how you had to manage their systems. The integration licensing with the heavy equipment companies on Tenna was seamless.”

Time-Saving Reminders

“With the advent of Tenna now we get reminders, and we can always see what’s coming up in advance and I can have that at my disposal…Tenna saves me a lot of time.”

The Results

Buntich Knows More with better visibility across sites and companies, Controls More with better utilization and decision making and Makes More by reducing breakdowns and limiting unnecessary purchases, ultimately saving on their bottom line.

Accurate Billing

Increased billing revenue from rental customers with accurate utilization.

Increased Efficiency

Saved time with maintenance tasks, tracking and utilization reporting activities.

Advice from Mladen Buntich Construction

“For any contractor that has concerns about where his equipment is, and what he’s spending on it and his maintenance, I would say Tenna is a no-brainer that it’s just part of your business model. You really need it, even if you don’t think you do.”

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